hi everybody today i talk about a work of art i like
really i do not like very much the art and i know a little of art
i dont interesting very much about the art but one piece of art that i like is the Piedad of vaticano this wonderfull piece of art is created by miguel angel. i like this sculpture because first is really beautiful and this scuplture shows the love of a mother for her dead song and shows the very good the sadness and pity for her song.she is a prety young virgin and her son is jesuscrist, she hold his song in her arms.
this piece of art belongs to renaissance and represents the power of the catolic church in europe especially in italy.
i first i saw this scuplture was in the schoold in that years i had a art class and i must draw some piece of art an one day i chose the pity of vatican and i like so much i do not remember what was my mark for draw and paint this sculpture but that was funny