hello everybody today i write about the favourite website.
i think my favourite website is rockaxis (www.rockaxis.com), really i do not have a favourite website and i am not a fanatic of this page but this page i visit regulary at least one time a day normally a use this webside in the nigth after class.
this page is chilean and is about music also rockaxis is a magazine.
in this website you can find too much news of diferets bands for example: news of the next record of your favorite band, new videos clips, information about the next visit to the country of your favourite band, the date of the show, where is, what is the cost and other information. this page is not only about rock also are news and information of diferents kind of music how blues, metal harcore,etc.
i think this page is really good is very complete and is very funny.
i found this page about 3 years ago when i bougth this magazine. then one day i did´t had enought money to buy the magazine(about 2500 pesos)i think this price is too much to one magazine and from this time i use regullary this website to read the news of my favourite bands. you can create an acount to write about one news that like you or write your opinion for example the new record of someband and whatever that you want to write. good bye
ResponderEliminarTHIS IS ESPARPAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
ResponderEliminaryour soccer team wins
ResponderEliminarAlemania 4-0
Great page!