hello everyone!
today i talk about facebook and my relation with this web. well the truth is a do not care about facebook, not very much i think is good to comunicate whit yours friens and family if you don have the posibility to be with them.
i dont know... i think that facebook is not good to child under 12 or 13 years old they are too young to used this web beacuse there are a posibility of cyberbullying from people of their school for example and sexting from strangers, but too many child have a facebook and is really important that their parents know and control this.
in my case i have facebook 4 years ago and i use this web to talk whit friends, and share information. by the way is fun used this page i see this web like a your own public blog at least facebook used to hang out, you can write everything, share your favourite music,share a pics, videos and too many things.
it is not necesary davote much time,but sometimes when you are boring could be fun.
jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011
jueves, 7 de abril de 2011
journey to beach

that was 3 months ago in the last summer. i remember a conversation whit my cousin we talked a lot about a trip to the beach, the idea was a journey whit all cousins from the lowest to highest of us. no parents, no rules only we like a big family.
time after we started the journey, we were...mmm i dont remember very well,about 20 more or less.we travel by bus, well was a little bus of a friend of the family but its better
we rented a cabin a beautifull house on the beach.
really were beautifull 3 days, we share like brothers thats not happened since we were a kids, also my sister has been there and thas was fine because a dont see her very often in the year.
i hope that happens again.
lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

hi everybody today i talk about a work of art i like
really i do not like very much the art and i know a little of art
i dont interesting very much about the art but one piece of art that i like is the Piedad of vaticano this wonderfull piece of art is created by miguel angel. i like this sculpture because first is really beautiful and this scuplture shows the love of a mother for her dead song and shows the very good the sadness and pity for her song.she is a prety young virgin and her son is jesuscrist, she hold his song in her arms.
this piece of art belongs to renaissance and represents the power of the catolic church in europe especially in italy.
i first i saw this scuplture was in the schoold in that years i had a art class and i must draw some piece of art an one day i chose the pity of vatican and i like so much i do not remember what was my mark for draw and paint this sculpture but that was funny
lunes, 14 de junio de 2010
when i watch the fifa world cup

hi verebody
i like watch th cup because i like so much watch football, and this is the most important championchip of football there are the best countries that play football around the world and also are best players on the world. is amazing watch your country play in the case of chile i only had 8 years and i do not remenber very well.
but now i enjoy so mach the cahmpionchip and i think chile will be the champion on the world
my favourite website

hello everybody today i write about the favourite website.
i think my favourite website is rockaxis (www.rockaxis.com), really i do not have a favourite website and i am not a fanatic of this page but this page i visit regulary at least one time a day normally a use this webside in the nigth after class.
this page is chilean and is about music also rockaxis is a magazine.
in this website you can find too much news of diferets bands for example: news of the next record of your favorite band, new videos clips, information about the next visit to the country of your favourite band, the date of the show, where is, what is the cost and other information. this page is not only about rock also are news and information of diferents kind of music how blues, metal harcore,etc.
i think this page is really good is very complete and is very funny.
i found this page about 3 years ago when i bougth this magazine. then one day i did´t had enought money to buy the magazine(about 2500 pesos)i think this price is too much to one magazine and from this time i use regullary this website to read the news of my favourite bands. you can create an acount to write about one news that like you or write your opinion for example the new record of someband and whatever that you want to write. good bye
lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010
holiday in the lake

hi people well today i talk about a great holiday that i had
i remember that this was maybe 5 years ago i had 15 years old at taht time i lived in temuco but i was in santiago with my family. was january and my uncle invited me to spend a 2 weeks in the rapel lake. we were my uncle 4 cousins and me only boys ahhaha we went to campaing at rapel lake we all started together from santiago to the lake.this 2 week was very funny i met a so much peoples with my cousins play cards liste to music, swimming in the lake and swimming pool and very much anothers thing. in the morming i wake up ten or eleven o´clock and we together prepare the breakfast and after we wnet to swimming sometimes in the lake and sometimes in the pool.then we come back to lunch my uncle prepare the food and we wash.
after we went to swimming again.in those days we met a very much people we met a two brothers with them we play football against other boys in the lake and in the pool we met a twins they were a very pretty and nice girls they came from argentina.at the nigth we fisihing in the lake that was very funny the twins stay with us when we finish and i remember one day i fished 30 fish and all of us finshed a one houndred or one houndred twenty fish that was amazing ahaha. sometimes we keep fishing at two or three of the morming and we had a lot of fish. i remember this holiday like one of my favorite holidays ever i met very nice people i enjoy whit my cousins that was very funny and vey good experience in my life. bye
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
tv series that i watched when i was a child

hi everybody well today i talk to you about tv series that i watched when a i was a child i think all of us when we was a children watched a tv series.in my case i like so much watch on tv series such as:slam dunk, the super champions(after i go out to play football with a children in the street), sailor moon, robotech,pokemon, saint seiya(in this time was zodiacal knights)you ould go crazy with this series hahaha who hasen´t seen this series in the tigrito´s club.but my favourite tv series ever i watched in the zoolo tv show with the kiwi haha was dragon ball i like so much this serie untill the actuallity. when i went to the school i played with my classmates i collected the cards, albums and almost i belive they are true .after school i watched eating. I remember almost i cry when i watched the last season. Now you the tv series are very boring i only see the simpsons , family guy, lost( very good amazing and freaky) but i dont have enough time to watch tv
anaway i think that all os us or almost of own generation watch this series when we was a children.finaly i think is good remember that we did and how was our lifes which things we did which games we played.whatever i belive sometimes it is good.bye
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